Become a part of Bär & Karrer as
Rechtsanwältin / Rechtsanwalt im Bereich Tax

Title *
First name *
Last name *
Date of birth *
Sex *
Place of origin *
Street *
House number *
Postcode *
Location *
Country *
E-mail *
Language code *
Nationality *
I have a valid work permit for Switzerland
Permit valid until
Permit type

Education & Profession

Academic titles I hold
Highest academic degree you have obtained
Grade point average Matura *
Bachelor's grade point average (at the moment) *
Grade point average Master / Licentiate *
At which university did you study? *
Earliest possible entry date *
Remarks to the entry date
For which location are you applying? *
Have you worked on a mandate where Bär & Karrer was on the opposite side? *
Salary expectations (annual salary) *


Interested in the following Practice Areas
That's how I learned about the position *


Curriculum vitae *
Drop files here

Cover letter *
Drop files here

Further documents (certificates, references, etc.) *
Drop files here

Photo *
Drop photo here

I have read and understood the Privacy Policy. *